Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Phuket and Aonang Beach

Hello Friends, Family and sketch balls reading our blog. We left Phuket yesterday (thank goodness) and arrived in Aonang (aka heaven). Phuket was full of prostitutes and gross men. Aonang is a lot more laid back and not as sketchy. Our last day in Phuket we did a tour of three islands with our guide Coco - which of course we ended up calling him coconut. The islands were beautiful but nothing like Aonang beach and Koh Phi Phi. We spent all day yesterday relaxing  / shopping in Aonang - we needed a day of rest. Today we did an all day boat tour which took us to multiple spots to snorkel and sight see. It is so beautiful and the water is crystal clear! There are islands everywhere and they are breathtaking. We went to Koh Phi Phi (which was hit hard by the tsunami) and the island where the movie "The Beach" was filmed. Tonight we're hopefully going to get massages and Kori desperately wants her hair to be blow dried - it's less than $1 and our hair feels like straw. Tomorrow we head to Railey Beach and will try to book a day trip to James Bond Island because apparently it was where they shot "The Man With The Golden Gun". We love not knowing what day or time it is (we don't have a watch) and just going with the flow. We have already done so much it is hard to believe it has only been a week. We miss you guys and wish you could all be with us! Hopefully we will update our blog tomorrow or the following day. Much love - Kori and Alexa

Long Island
On our way to Aonang Beach
Love life

Maya Bay - Where "The Beach" was shot

COCO! He loved us!

Bamboo Island
Thanks Alexa


  1. OMGAHHHH yall look like you are having a freakin' blast!! I am soooo jealous! its looks beautiful!! cant wait to see more pics!! <3

  2. I bet Kori is wishing that she brought the good conditioner and shampoo that I told her to bring ;)
